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Archive of Published Issues: 2025

Front Matter

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Metadata associated with this Archival Unit includes:

Journal URL https://ethicalresearchjournal.org/index.php/jier
Title Journal of Interdisciplinary Ethical Research
Publisher AOSIS
Description The Journal of Interdisciplinary Ethical Research provides a global platform for research on ethical issues across various academic fields, promoting collaboration among disciplines to explore new knowledge and offer solutions to ethical challenges. Grounded in values of justice, truth, accountability, inclusivity, and human dignity, the journal seeks contributions that engage with ethical questions, primarily from a qualitative perspective. We welcome both individual and group submissions, with a preference for interdisciplinary research, aiming to make the world a more humane and flourishing place.
Keywords Journal of Interdisciplinary Ethical Research; global platform; research data; proposed solutions; ethical issues; academic fields; interdisciplinarity; common research springboard; new knowledge horizons; solving perspectives; ethical challenges; interdisciplinary ethical research; group research; individual research; academic value; justice; truth; accountability; inclusivity; human dignity; qualitative methodological approach; analytical thinking; critical scholars; existential; emancipatory; humane; conventional boundaries; global knowledge economy; rigorous research; accountable methodologies; ethical standards; academic disciplines; worldwide issues; challenges; problems; poverty; hunger; education; gender equality; inequality; unemployment; climate change; green economy; violence; art; sexuality; morality; imagination; creativity; consciousness; journalism; medicine; artificial intelligence
Language(s) English (en_US)
Publisher Email submissions@ethicalresearchjournal.org

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